Tuesday 31 July 2012


You've fallen for one of my classic pranks.  Bazinga!

I love The Big Bang Theory.  LOVE it.  Sheldon was my favourite at first, but Anna Farah Fowler has taken over the top spot.  She's just too funny.

So when my friend James gave me this t-shirt from his recent holiday in the US, I was soooo delighted.  It's brilliant!  Thanks J-Pow!

I love that Howards superhero outfit has a silly belt and poloneck

Sunday 29 July 2012

Be Yourself

Snap!  These were sent to me 5 years apart from Florida, where it seems the larger lady is very popular in The Sunshine State!

Ignore them Bertha, be yourself, wear what you want and never mind the begrudgers!

From Liz when in Orlando, USA - 2008
From James when in Orlando, USA - 2012

Thursday 26 July 2012

Shoe Love

Aren't these amazing?  I love. I want. I need!
 From the SS12 & AW12 collections from Simone Rocha

Clockwise from top - AW12, SS12, AW12, AW12, SS12, AW12

Wednesday 25 July 2012

She's a Gem

This is Amber, she's a border collie that my sister and I rescued from a very elderly neighbour who was unable to look after her any more.  I called her Amber cos she has the most amazing eyes that look just like the precious stone.  Her name was Lucky and she was tied to her kennel for her whole life before we got her.  She was covered in heavy matted dreadlocks and lived outside in rain, hail and one of the coldest winters we've ever had.  Not such a lucky life.  Despite that she is the happiest dog you wll ever meet.

She loves walks, dinner time, learning new things, and being the centre of attention.  Her view is if your hands are free, you should be scratching behind her ears.  She hates men, being brushed, being photgraphed and not being the centre of attention.

She's super clever and learns really quickly.  Show her once and she knows exactly what you want of her.  She comes when called, runs if told, sits down at the side of the road when a car approaches and walks to heel.  She doesn't chase the cats (though she really wishes could) and still isn't too crazy about men but has calmed down a lot and loves my Dad.

My mother says that Amber doesn't know how lucky she is that we took her in, but I think it's the otherway around.  One look into that gorgeous face when you're having a bad day and it's impossible not to smile.

Oh no, not the camera.
Do you have to point that thing at me?
Forget the camera, are we going for a walk?

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Lovely Ladies

I just love these, my favourite postcards to date I think.

Both from Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Monday 23 July 2012

We're Easy!

I think this pretty much sums us up alright, we're easily distracted and love a good chinwag!

From my parents when in Doolin, Ireland - 2012

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Wooden Heart

Another one that went to my sister and it's really cool.

You buy the blank wooden postcard from SuckUK and then you carve your own picture & message.

I went with an outline of the Emerald Isle and a little heart to mark Cork.  Next I traced over the outline with pencil to make it stand out and I coloured the heart shape in what else, but rebel red.

Then on the back I carved my message - home is where the heart is.  See what I did there?!

From me to Aideen in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Monday 16 July 2012


This is a litte bit of retro fun from 1984 which I found on on eBay.

It's a postcard of spacemen with a plastic cover over the front and inside are little balls that you have to manouver into the cutouts for the laser beams.

My message was a little inapproriate but my sister doesn't offend easily and I think you should never miss an opportunity to make someone laugh!

From me to Aideen in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Friday 13 July 2012

Magic Indeed

Magic Mike.  GO SEE IT.  Went last night and loved it.

 A story about a guy, working 3 jobs to make enough money to start his dream business, with a little love interest mixed in for good measure.

It just so happens he works as a male stripper.  And he's got friends!

 Stephen Soderbergh directs so the film is slick, the soundtrack's brilliant and Channing Tatum is, as ever, a very capable and compelling leading man.

And he looks like he'd be useful to have around the house too.  Whistful sigh.....

Apparently they're talking about a sequel.  I've already bought my ticket.

Monday 9 July 2012

It's Hipstamatic

I downloaded Hipstamatic on Friday.  My brother's had it for forever and totally sold it to me.  I meant to get it when I got my phone, over a year ago now, but I just didn't get around to it.  Don't ask me why!

So my point is that I'm sure I'm Paddy Last with my appreciation, but I have to say I LOVE it.  The photos come out soooo cool.
My very handsome Ollie

Friday 6 July 2012

Drunk Dialling

Normally frowned upon but funny when the call is from your sister and her friend as they tell you how amazing you are while you sit in a quiet cafe trying to decipher what they are shouting at you.

As Aideen was far away for her birthday this year I sent her a disposable camera which contained photos I took of all our family, her friends & pets at our Dad's birthday par-tay.  Each person/couple/group held a letter, with the pets getting a necklace with a word on it.

When she developed the photos and assembled the scrambled message it read - Happy 26th Birthday Aideen. Have a great day. xxxx

This made her happy, and me amazing as a result.  Job well done I think!

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012
 The assembled message - difficult to see, but you get the picture. Ha!

Thursday 5 July 2012

Cleaning House

As you may have noticed I've made some changes - hope you like them!

My friend Chris made the banner using a selection of my postcards & I think it looks pretty good, so I've changed things around to suit it. Thanks Chris!

With this new face lift I'm going to start blogging about more than just postcards, so we'll see how it goes.  Wish me luck!

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012