Friday 29 June 2012

I Heart

Sydney is a fabulous place, I really did heart it when I lived there.  City and beach combined, what more can you ask for.

I also heart Salzburg , Nantes, Dingle, LondonCalifornia and of course my own beautiful city, Cork

And I would really heart to visit Hawaii, Japan, Canada & Iceland.  Some day!

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Thursday 28 June 2012


This is my first post about a postcard that I'm sending rather than receiving.  I've sent some really cool ones to my sister which I haven't recorded.

This one I made so I thought it might be worth a mention and have decided to start including postcards that I send in future.

Some batiked fabric left over from college, paper boats cut from old envelopes and a little red thread to cheer it all up, stitched to an old skool postcard.


 From me to Aideen in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Thursday 21 June 2012

Playing Along

This one is really striking and it's his expression that I love as oddly it reminds me of my grandmother.

Remember when you were small and up to some shenanigans that would require a grandparent to play a pivotal role in your high jinks?  You know, like a tree.  Or a teapot.  Something really vital to your antics at the time?  I'm sure you do.

My Nan would always play along when asked, but as she never fully understood her role in my theatrics she would frequently have this bemused look on her face as she indulged me and swayed like an oak tree.

That's exactly what his expression reminds me of and I love that it makes me think of my Nan, who was an integral part of our family.

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Our Favourite Things

This is from my sister (obligated to send a postcard a week in case you wonder why she features so often - desertion of a sister is not without consequence) and got me thinking about our favourite things.  Here's 10 of them:

  1. The chipper on a Friday - can't be messing with tradition.
  2. Days of fun - jambon for breakfast, a bottle of Pepsi Max and the open road, good times!
  3. Watching Supernatural - just watch it once, there's two 6ft reasons why.
  4. Pizza in Pizza d'Italio on the Grand Parade, Cork - yum!
  5. Being with our friends - hurrah for buddies.
  6. Shopping - this requires no explanation I'm sure.
  7. Laughing - nothing like a good chuckle to brighten up your day.  And it burns calories.  Nice one!
  8. Going to the cinema - cheap escapism and it comes with ice-cream, sweet.
  9. Pets - pure love in return for food, now that's a good deal.
  10. Being with each other - I love my baby sister.
I miss you Bubs!x
 From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012

Sunday 10 June 2012


I made this one!

It's a close up of a skirt I made for a college project back in 2010 so please forgive my indulgence but I have to include it.

I had a fairytale theme, used every single textile process I had acess to and then patchworked the resulting pieces together to make a Cinderella inspired skirt.  Phew!

It turned out pretty cool, even if I do say so myself, and I have to admit to being really proud of the finished product.  Go me!

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012

 The Finished Product

Friday 8 June 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

This weekend my Dad turns 60 so we're having a big birthday bash for him in our garden.

All our friends and family are coming (with the sad exception of my baby sister who is far, far away) and it promises to be a really good time.

There there will be LOTS of eating + drinking (emphasis on the latter!) making the arrival of this one during the week very serendipitous.

Happy Birthday Dad!

From Aideen when in Sydney, Australia - 2012
Me & the birthday boy in 1979.  Those monkeys were so cool, I still remember their knitted outfits!