Wednesday 3 April 2013

Debbie Smyth

I did a workshop last month at the Cork Textiles Network conference with artist Debbie Smyth, who creates 3D drawings using pins and thread, and her pieces are absolutely amazing.  She'd featured in Embroidery magazine a few years ago and I was very excited to see her at work.

Now I cannot draw to save my life, something I truly wish I as better at.  My friend Laura gave me a little doll when we were studying Creative Textiles together and I decided to outline her over and over again in different poses and then used some of them in the workshop.  It was absolutely addictive!  Choosing colours and different ways to wind the string was completely involving and the time at the workshop just flew.  It's still a work in progress but I'm really happy with how it's turning out.

Apologies as always for photo quality

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